Our author is AWESOME and she's so excited to share the stories of the Money Mavens Crew and our Adventures! Read below to learn more about the inspiration behind the Money Mavens Crew and the book series.

Hello & Welcome to our Crew!
Thank you so much for taking time to start your journey, your child(ren)'s journey(s), or the children you influence, on the road to financial education, empowerment, discipline, and freedom with the Money Mavens Crew! I am super excited to share this project and the story behind with kids and kids at heart!
A Little About Me & My Money Story
Fun Facts: I first learned about banking and basic money principles in my FIFTH grade math class! I have two Master's degrees! I'm STILL learning about money and working toward financial freedom
The Adventures of the Money Mavens book series is the result of a mix of #excitement and youthful #creativity and the sense of #responsibility I felt for empowering communities, with emphasis on the African American and other minority #communities, with knowledge on how to start #conversations with kids about financial literacy and entrepreneurship. My steps toward personal advancement were ordered like many others in that went to college, got a lot of formal education and a few fancy degrees, secured my first full-time job with benefits and realized I knew SO LITTLE about some of the most basic financial principles you need to consider when you begin your first full-time job. I mean #RETIREMENT BENEFITS, #INVESTMENTS OPTIONS, INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS, HEALTH INSURANCE & DEDUCTIBLES, STUDENT LOAN #DEBT & #INTEREST, REGISTERING A #BUSINESS....you name it, all of these MAJOR financial decisions and responsibilities are placed in your lap between the ages of 18 and about 25 years old. And I realized just how unprepared or underprepared I felt to make those decisions. So as I navigated the process (a process I am still learning) I began to consider how important it is to start having conversations about #money, #wealth, financial stability, and a whole host of other business and #entrepreneurship principles EARLY. We should be talking to children about #finance and money from an educational perspective as EARLY as we can! Kids understand that money is important but often don't really understand why. We talk about money as something we need to live, but do not often explain how to gain #access to INFORMATION about WEALTH or how to understand the #VALUE we place on money and material objects. For the adults reading this, it is so important that we lead by example or #educate young people about what money IS, what money DOES, and how money WORKS or CAN WORK for them! The Adventures of the Money Mavens book series works to jumpstart conversations about finance and entrepreneurship and the process of building strong financial #habits with your children or the children you influence.
"#SUCCESS STARTS IN YOUR MIND...YOU MUST BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO THINK YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO! I researched, I asked questions, I tried, I failed, I worked with others, I tried AGAIN...and AGAIN, and I DID IT..."
Who Would've Thought?
Becoming an #author wasn't a goal I included on my vision board or on my list of #DREAMS for the future. I was always driven and passionate about chasing my dreams of working with in music or sports, dreams which later transitioned into being passionate about helping entertainers and young athletes on their journey of personal and professional growth. I am a dreamer and a "do'er," and believe that the world is limitless if you work hard, educate yourself, and apply the skills God has given to you. I realize this formula has different additions and subtractions depending on your upbringing but noticed a pretty consistent pattern for each person I met:
SUCCESS STARTS IN YOUR MIND. If you do not believe you can do something, it will not happen no matter how talented you are or how well aligned you are with a positive outcome. YOU MUST BE #BRAVE ENOUGH TO THINK YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH #ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO! Self-belief, #visualization, and #actualization are extremely powerful principles and they are a huge part of how this series has come to life. I researched, I asked questions, I tried, I failed, I worked with others, I tried AGAIN...and AGAIN, and I DID IT. Even if only one person reads and uses my books, I did it. I dreamt up these story and these characters and was #BRAVE enough to just start writing. I thought about what I believe the world needs, what children need, and how I could turn their needs into wants (see, using those good ol' supply and demand principles). I wanted to make learning about money #FUN. I wanted to even the playing field for those who didn't have the means to save or invest but wanted to build habits to help change their future circumstances or create #change for the next generation. I wanted to celebrate #diversity and uniqueness in familial structures, socioeconomic background, and nation of origin. I wanted to #inspire children and other budding #entrepreneurs to follow their dreams, to create their own legacies, to write their own stories in their own voice and share their gifts with the world.
I wanted to make the world #BETTER one book at a time.
"It is so important that we lead by example or educate young people about what money IS, what money DOES, and how money WORKS or CAN WORK for them!"
Get Inspired
I hope the Adventures of the Money Mavens Crew has been inspirational to you!
Please continue to keep up with our journey as the Money Mavens Crew continues to grow! Please write us emails about your success stories, savings goals, and the cool projects or businesses YOU and YOUR CHILDREN/CHILDREN YOU INFLUENCE are working on!
Tag the Money Mavens Crew in your Instagram posts at @themoneymavens AND @adventuresofthemoneymavens AND use the hashtags we list the book to share with us! Tell us who your favorite character is, share photos of you working on the book activities and coloring pages, we would LOVE to see photos of you all with your books & fun stories you want to share with us.
Reminder: our series is copyrighted!